Hi friends and anyone else who happens to stumble upon this page!
For the past few months, I've really felt a desire to begin a blog about what God is teaching me through the current storms in my life. Through the past 2 years, God has allowed me to go through many difficult and heartbreaking trails. Through these trials, I have see God do wonderful things in my life and people around me. My faith has been tested and has grown stronger. I've questioned God and seen Him work in wonderful ways.
Originally, I posted what awesome things God was doing in my life through these trials in Facebook statuses. I find that I think and process through events best by talking and writing them down. The statuses were quite long and I began to think that the best way to share would be through this blog format.
My hope is that my struggles and growths will encourage you. All of us go through struggles. Some are small and others shake us to our core and cause us not only to question the goodness of God, but also His existence. I've experienced these both this past year. It's not easy. It's yucky and painful. Hopefully we can encourage each other!
At times my blog will be so honest that it's ugly. At moments when I question God and His goodness and His purpose I'll write about it. At other times, you'll rejoice withe me as I share the great things that He is doing. Life isn't easy. Christianity isn't easy. Trials are not easy. However, I do believe they will all be worth it when we stand before Him and are able to see His purposes behind the storms He allowed into our lives. When that time comes for me, I do not want to feel regretful (although I wonder if it is even possible to feel that in His presence). I do not want to think of all the joyous opportunities I missed because the storm scared me and caused me to hibernate until it was over. I want to know that I danced in the rain and saw each light God had peek through the storm clouds and the beautiful rainbow He made at the end. I want to know that I danced in the rain.
So, let's encourage each other. Let's laugh with one another. Let's learn how to dance in our storms together.
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